Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dance class

Good afternoon.
Wednesday, October 6 --- will be last class for the first 4-week-session.

You will need to pay $30.00 to continue in the next 4-week-session. You don't have to fill out another registration form---just pay $30.00.

I hope everyone has enjoyed the first session. If you have any question or comments, feel free to drop me a line.

Spread the word to your friends - to register into the next session. They will need to fill out registration and pay $30.00

Thanks again.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dance for 2010-2011

Dance class will start Sept. 22 until May 8Th 2011.

Ballet/Tap/Creative Movement

Dancers will begin to learn basic Ballet & Tap technique while being introduced to spatial and musical movements. This "continued" class allows children with dance experience the opportunity to build on their dance basics. This class will have two recitals , December and May.

The price of this class is:
4-weeks $30.00
8-months $225.00
Jessica Bowman

Monday, July 12, 2010

Shenandoah County Parks and Recreation DANCE


I am Jessica Bowman and I am the dance teacher for Parks and Recreation. This blog is for parents and students to come if they have questions or concerns and to learn more information.

My next dance class will begin July 21 until Aug. 26. 2010. This is a 6 week class and the cost is $43.00. You can register at Shenandoah County Parks and Recreation. You do not have to have a leotard but you do need tap and ballet shoes.

Tap,Ballet and leotards

Places to buy Shoes:


You're a star! you're a star too!


Students do not have to wear leotards. They have to wear comfortable clothing. If students would like to wear leotards that would be GREAT!!! Students may want wear leotards for the Christmas and Spring rectial.